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The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My ~ The Anomaly MindSet gives an inside look at how she built multiple businesses by deviating from the usual More than a business or selfhelp manual this book is infused with hardhitting honesty and candor about faith and the role it plays in Sandi’s work As a selfdescribed “spiritual unicorn” she invites heaven into every strategy
The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My ~ The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out Instead of Fitting In Hardcover – May 14 2019
The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My ~ The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out Instead of Fitting In Kindle edition by Sandi Krakowski Religion Spirituality Kindle eBooks
The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My ~ The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out Instead of Fitting In Audible Audio Edition Sandi Krakowski Hay House Audible Audiobooks
The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My ~ The Hardcover of the The Anomaly MindSet How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out Instead of Fitting In by Sandi Krakowski at Barnes How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out Instead of Fitting In by Sandi and Anomaly Actions to spur every reader to take power in their own work and spiritual lives
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Anomaly MindSet The How I Transformed My Business and ~ Anomaly MindSet The – How I Transformed My Business and My Life by Standing Out instead of Fitting Sandi Krakowski discovered early on that she had ‘too much God’ in her for the workplace and ‘too much money and business’ in her for church
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