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What is Smell – Fifth Sense ~ Smell is a very rarefied esoteric experience The dominance of vision in humans has greatly relegated our sense of smell and even if it ever had a vocabulary this is now long lost The best we can do to describe a smell is to say that it is “like” or probably “a bit like” another smell
Smell definition of smell by The Free Dictionary ~ 1 to perceive the odor or scent of through the nose by means of the olfactory nerves inhale the odor of 2 to test by the sense of smell He smelled the meat to see if it was fresh 3 to perceive detect or discover by shrewdness or sagacity The detective smelled foul play
Smell Definition of Smell by MerriamWebster ~ Smell definition is to perceive the odor or scent of through stimuli affecting the olfactory nerves get the odor or scent of with the nose How to use smell in a sentence Synonym Discussion of smell
How does the sense of smell work What causes a smell ~ Smell is a very direct sense In order for you to smell something molecules from that thing have to make it to your nose Everything you smell therefore is giving off molecules whether it is bread in the bakery onions perfume a piece of fruit or whatever Those molecules are generally light volatile easy to evaporate chemicals that float through the air into your nose
The Sense of Smell A Powerful Sense ~ The sense of smell just like the sense of taste is a chemical sense They are called chemical senses because they detect chemicals in the environment with the difference being that smell works at dramatically larger distances than that of taste The process of smelling goes more or less like this
Whats that Smell WowWee ~ The party game that stinks Whats that Smell is the hilariously fragrant guessing game that opens up a world of interesting whiffs Guess the scents correctly to win or suffer the stinky The Scents To Avoid The Whiff Of Shame Play With Family Friends Put Your Nose To The Test With This Hilarious New Party Game 50 Smells
Smell Synonyms Smell Antonyms ~ There was a smell of cooking and the people gathering between the huts He could smell Indians in hiding and wood smoke three leagues away But Colley aint no good on Diablo an if he can smell Shandy that settles it—its all over The dripping of water reached the ear the smell of dampness the nostrils
Odor Wikipedia ~ An odor or odour is caused by one or more volatilized chemical compounds that are generally found in low concentrations that humans and animals can perceive by their sense of smell An odor is also called a smell or a scent which can refer to either a pleasant or an unpleasant odor
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